As an analyst with a professional background in intelligence and politics I have my focus on the Greater Middle East region.
One of my goals is to explain and highlight the highly complex situation and developments in the Greater Middle East region – and particularly in Afghanistan – for a better understanding of the entanglements and for finding better solutions for this region.
To achieve this, my position is truly neutral in its core but with a critical eye towards the involved parties, their actions and the whole situation in this area. On top of this, as a born Afghan I possess a deep knowledge of this matter and profit from my close contacts into the region.
Enjoy your journey through my analyses on a number of outlets such as TV, radio, news sites and dedicated web sites as well as the additional information given on this web site.
Analyses and TV appearances
For analyses and appearances in political discussions – on TV, radio, on-line and off-line –, please feel free to get in contact with me: